A passion for business and technology with a global perspective

See my CV


Technology Enthusiast

I have an innate curiosity that drives my enthusiasm for technology. Almost all things hardware and software fuel this curiosity and drive me to all kinds of independent projects. Lately, deep learning and quantum programming have been key areas of interest!



I love when something I’ve made has helped someone else grow and develop their skills. I teach classes and offer insight on platforms like DataCamp and MentorStudents. From here you can find all the educational resources I have currently available!


Business Enthusiast

In addition to technology, I also have a passion for business. I love learning new things about business operations, strategy, and entrepreneurship.


Lifelong Learner

My curiosity has no end, and this drives me to learn from all available educational resources. So far, I’ve completed over 80 MOOCs on platforms such as Coursera, Edx, and Udacity.